Monday, April 18, 2016

Processing Venison...

"Every morning as soon as she was awake Laura ran to look out of the window, and one morning she saw in each of the big trees a dead deer hanging from the branch.
That day Pa and Ma and Laura and Mary had fresh venison for dinner. It was so good that Laura wished they could eat it all. But most of the meat must be salted and smoked and packed away to be eaten in the winter." 
~Little House in the Big Woods~ 

Processing my own deer a few years ago was the birth of my love for butchering animals. I will do any and every animal I can get my hands on. I can't help but smile the entire time I'm slicing meat from the bones and wrapping it up for the freezer. I know where it came from and that every bit of meat possible will be used by my family. (and myself)

My mama helped me with this deer...each taking a leg and just cutting away. All the while, since we both share a love for Shirley Temple we watched Heidi. Such sweet memories made in my mama's kitchen. Two hours was just about the perfect length of movie for a small doe.

This time I found that keeping a towel under me while I worked minimized the slipping on and helped me stabilize everything more...helping speed the process up faster.

We cut up stakes and roast and make the rest into hamburger. My dad purchase a nice meat grinder for the family and it makes this process the easiest and I'm for sure to always have volunteers to do this for me at the end of a long processing evening.

Note: Deer meat is my all time favorite meat. I like a good deer hamburger or steak to beef any day.



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